Equipment stolen from Detroit Public TV

Detroit Public Television has had the following Cartoni Master Head with sticks and spreader stolen from outside the Filmore Theater in Detroit. The serial number of the head is MS 0428. It was in a Nalpak NATP1139WH TP-1139WH 11″ Tuffpak Series Hard Tripod Case with Wheels.  If you have information, please contact John Mark, Engineering Manager, Detroit Public Television at 248-305-3760 or jmark at

Cartoni head

Chapter Elections

Chapter 82 will be holding elections for Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary-Treasurer this fall. Needed are individuals interested in furthering the educational mission of the Society here in the Detroit area.  If you are interested in helping your profession advance and advancing your own professional standing, please consider serving in one of these positions. Contact Secretary-Treasurer Jim Totten at jmtotten at for more information.